CryptoRacing.VIP Community Update #1

2 min readApr 26, 2021

Hey racing driver! Is the seat stable? We’re going to start the engine and start the game.

Crypto Racing is one of the world’s first multi player racing game of Defi & NFTs based on Binance smart chain (BSC).It’s our wish to create a real NFT & Defi game. We sincerely welcome your participation.

Every week or two, we’ll be posting CryptoRacing Updates so you’ll know exactly what’s happening behind the scenes.

Our project is still extremely early-stage, so you may have questions that we can’t answer yet, but we’ll do our best!

Last Week

The most exciting is official website of the game officially launched:CryptoRacing

We’ve spent a lot of time thinking about and discussing the tokenomics of CryptoRacing, as well as how Cryptoracing as an NFT project can be composable and interopable with other players in the Defi world.

Some highlights of last week’s work:

  • Confirmed all of the core attributes of CryptoRacing
  • Fleshed out tokenomics of the CHE token

Social Media

We launched a Twitter account and Discord & Telegram chat.

This Week

We are developing the core content of the game, including the construction of core play and the development of smart contract.

We’re reaching out to key individuals to invite them to become advisors on the team.

We’re also looking for a Chief Marketing Officer, so if you know anyone aavesome, send them our way!

That’s about it for this week’s update. This update probably left you with a ton of questions.

What’s CryptoRacing? What’s CHE token? When does the Game begin??

We’ll answer all these questions in more detail in future updates and posts.

Until next time, stay spooky!
-CryptoRacing team




Crypto Racing is one of the world’s first multi player racing game of Defi + NFTs based on Binance smart chain (BSC)